Hi, I'm Janek

I'm a web and mobile developer with background in philosophy. My goal is to create technology that has positive impact on mental health. I work in startups as a programmer and cofounder. I'm open for collaboration 🚀


Spisuję listę aplikacji, kursów i szkoleń (a nawet urządzeń), które dotyczą szeroko rozumianej psychologii, psychoterapii i rozwoju...

3 useful hacks for Netlify Functions

Even though Netlify Functions are designed for simple logic, sometimes boilerplate code needs to be tidied up...

How to mix React and Webflow in an app powered by MemberStack?

For my last freelance job, I decided to experiment with some no-code tools (Airtable, Make aka Integromat, Webflow and Memberstack)...

Blog migration: Google Docs + Jekyll (markdown)

I used different stuff for blogging: wordpress, notion...

How to use NgXs and avoid boilerplate code?

Choosing NgXs over NgRx is a first step into a more expressive code...

Redirect toxic websites to your personal website

How to redirect toxic websites to your personal blog in the most procrastinating and overengineering way you could possibly think of...

3 useful tools we use in our tech team

We work remotely and asynchronously and that means we limit meetings and activities requiring live presence to a minimum...

3 must-have meetings in our tech team

After months of experiments, we figured out 3 types of recurring meetings, that are necessary to keep a smooth workflow in our small software house...