Portal is a platform dedicated for Sycope – an enterprise solution for analyzing and monitoring corporate networks. Portal consists of license and access management, multiple dashboards, software updates, support and a few other features. All built up on bullet-proof infrastructure, as security products should be.

  • 🗄 Category: admins and users platform
  • 💰 Size: 50,000 - 200,000 PLN
  • 🗓 Term: 02/2022 - 08/2022
  • 🖥 Frontend: Angular, PrimeNG, Atlantis
  • 🤖 Backend: Java, Python, Docker, AWS

Preparing tech stack

Portal is not the first product I have built for Passus. However this time scope was wider and the team was bigger, so I had to adapt my tech stack to the choices of other developers. We chose Angular as a framework and PrimeNG as a UI library. Angular is great when you have a large team of developers and need a stable and predictable environment for enterprise solutions. Apps written in TypeScript with unit tests prepare products for long-term support and also make them resilient to changes in the dev team. Using verified UI libraries shortens development time and helps to avoid unnecessary bugs.

Multiple business domains

As a frontend developer, one of the challenges I met during the development, was implementing multiple domains which interacted with each other. The app contained administration features, a licenses module, user management dashboard as well as tools for software updates. The entire codebase had to be refactored three times in order to achieve a properly decoupled code (as we weren't sure about all the dependencies that would occur). Ultimately, I was able to display all the necessary information in a structured and readable way.

4 roles, 3 APIs, 2 identity pools…

Another complication was that there were four user roles with different privileges and we needed to implement additional safeguards to protect each domain from being accessed by unauthorized users. Also, the three resources I needed to communicate with were written in different languages and various conventions. Cherry on top, I had to handle two AWS Cognitos with all possible flows of account creation plus two factor authorization.

Fortunately the portal was created in cooperation with outstanding engineers and experienced project managers, so the workflow was super smooth and communication was clear and brief. I'm now looking for similar collaborations!